Custom Blended Tea With A World of Flavor

Welcome To Simple Blends

The Simple Blends Collection features the finest blends, crafted individually and combined into a flavor-rich collection.
From rich to smooth, each blend has its own distinct flavor profile.
Take your pick from the Premium Blends Collection. These all-natural blends are bold and vibrant with exquisite flavors that take you on a journey around the

Our Selection

Simple Blends is a collaboration of fine tea blenders that have created unique teas to be enjoyed anywhere.
Their luxurious blend of teas is carefully crafted in small batches at their abundant locations around the world. Each Fine Blend is made of premium ingredients for an unparalleled taste experience.

Flavored Black Teas

Herbal Teas

Herbal & Fruit Tea


We are working on delivering the best premium loose leaf tea brands with the highest quality of flavor. Our goal is to provide you with the best tasting blend of high-quality organic teas.

Diversity, differences, similarities, and specialties are what make flavor such a unique and treasured gift. By utilizing all the world has to offer, Simple Blends can curate small packages of goodness that are sponsored by the destinations that inspired them.

Encouraging all to expand your horizons, and open your hearts to exotic new takes on life. From the most classic of tastes to the most innovative of flavor, Simple Blends will always strive for you to be surprised and delighted with their offering.

Simple Blends Fine Tea offers high-quality tea that has been handpicked by travel enthusiasts who have sampled delicious teas from around the world.